Why JamboLive ?

JamboLive missions not only for Live-commerce order management, also we establish and innovate from understanding key of success of E-commerce business with total solutions for optimizing working time and with latest special features for boosting up sales.

Convenience and Easy by Fingertips

Able to use both mobile and PC with better user-experience for clients

  • Total Solutions for Business
    Order Management with high accuracy from receiving orders in every available channels, create the promotion, shipping management by API gateway and report summary.
    Even only one merchant and plenty of products selling. JamboLive can manage for you!
  • Boost Up Sales by E-mall
    Every merchants could have own E-commerce shop via E-mall online shopping.
    Easy to manage the stock and create the promotions
  • We THINK for Every Business Scales
    We implement the platform to support every scales from tiny merchants to corporate businesses with supportive functions for growing up in E-commerce business
Contact Us

7 day free-trial

Line OA: @jamboliveth (with @)

Any Helps?

If any inquiries, doubts or suggestions. You could leave the message for us, our service specialists would get back you as soon as possible!